Friday, November 21, 2008


Well I have finally started the whole Blog thing and maybe I'll have readers and maybe not, but this will be a great way for me to channel all this buzz i have running and jumping inside my head at all hours of the day!

Believe it or not even me the average house wife has lots to ponder on during the day while I'm Scrubbing the toilet ( my favorite thing to do) and yelling at my kids! With Brandon getting ready to go to war and me here alone in New York! I'm sure lots of crazy things will pop outta my head left and right!

There is lots of crazy drama happening here right now but I'll let all of that unfold a little more before I spill any beans! Army wives are crazy! and the guys are even crazier. Me I like to sit in the back and watch. I am not going down that road. Just smile and wave!

TTFN Ruthie


Becky Thompson said...

Way to go, Smart Girl! I was going to encourage you again to start your blog and you're way ahead of me! I know you'll have lots of things to share in the upcoming months. Pictures of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Brandon, Pinkie and Stinkie, etc. Let's all encourage each other and follow along. The best encouragement is to POST COMMENTS! It's fun to find and read comments! I'll be "Blurking" --that's lurking around your blog! Love you, Ruthie!

Becky Thompson said...

Tell me the significance of 'The Goose Was Right'. It takes me awhile to catch on since I'm OLD!

Lisa Jamison said...

Ruthie, I am so excited you started a blog - I just logged into mine and saw your pic. That's awesome, I can't wait to read your stories. To me it's just a way to release everything in my head, I dont care if anyone reads it lol

Anonymous said...

Well, well, how surprised to find this "blog". Being 1500 miles from home, reminds me when I was in the Army, l943. I was attending Army Ordnance school at Aberdeen Proviong Grounds near Baltimore, MD. My wife, Ruby, had come to visit me. Oh-o-o Those must have been long days while I was attending classes on "Fire Control Instrument Repair" MOS 922. I 0nly got to leave camp on weekends. Those were prescious moments with my newly wed wife at the time.
You are fortunate to have
you two lovely daughters. God's Gift. Hey, this blog business sounds exciting. Thanks for sharing. Give our love to Emily and Olivia. bye Love You, Grandpa Ernie

Shelly said...

I love your blog! Those pics of the girls are so cute and I miss them so very much!! I love your video clips!!! Very funny and some of my faves, as well.

Come home soon